On 8 June, 2012, the Bulgarian National Bank puts in circulation a silver commemorative coin -250 Years of Slavic-Bulgarian History from the series Historic heritage 06/08/2012 |
Today, June 8, 2012, the Bulgarian National Bank presented the new silver, partially gold-plated, commemorative coin – 250 Years of Slavic-Bulgarian History (Istoriya slavyanobalgarska) from the series Historic heritage.
It will be in circulation as of June 11. According to the planning of the bank, the coin was supposed to be issued in December this years, however this termed changed and now from June on it will be in circulation.
The coin will be available for sale at the BNB’s cash desks for BGN 84, VAT included.
Technical parameters:
Nominal value – 10 BGN;
Metal - Silver 925/1000, Silver with gold-plating;
Weight – 23.3 grams;
Diameter – 38.61 mm;
Edge – flat;
Quality - Proof;
Year of issue - 2012;
Mintage – 4000 pieces.
Graphical elements:
The obverse of the coin features the stylised cover of the first transcript ‘Slavo-Bulgarian History’, and underneath - the logo of the Bulgarian National Bank, with the year ‘1879’ inscribed on the ribbon. In circumference there go ‘БЪЛГАРСКА НАРОДНА БАНКА’ (Bulgarian National Bank), the nominal value of the coin ‘10 ЛЕВА’ (BGN 10), and the year of issue ‘2012’.
The reverse features a stylised illustration of the History, Paisy Hilendarski’s stamp, his signature, and a well-known citation from the ‘Slavo-Bulgarian History’. ‘250 ГОДИНИ • ИСТОРИЯ СЛАВЯНОБЪЛГАРСКА •’ (250 Years of Slavo-Bulgarian History) is inscribed circumferentially.
Authors of the artistic design are
Elena Todorova and Todor Todorov
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